@Szczur001 wrote:
Hey all....
I hope I'm not writing about something that's already been raised, but I couldn't find a post on this subject so... here goes:
I updated my copy of studio to version 1.11.8 and started to encounter a weird effect. It appears that although I can still read files from both local and network drives, studio will not save any file format to a network folder anymore. I can save to local folders and move the files to the network folder manually, but that seems a bit pointless. Since the program clearly still has read access and goes through the motions of saving a file I can't help but wonder what is wrong. There are no error messages to the effect that there is no write access, and there are no errors to the effect that the file wasn't saved...... but it wasn't. This was a bit frustrating when I discovered it as I'd lost a whole afternoon and evening's work. (You know, you kind of assume that a file has been saved unless there's an error, right?)
When I save to a local folder, the file is saved in a few moments. When I try to save to the network folders that I've been using with studio up until now, the program greys out and "processing" appears. In the background, studio is still responsive and I can still click on stuff that should presumably be temporarily inactive. This is a good thing though because clicking on "apply" in the image menu makes the grey screen and the "processing" message go away. I still have no new file though.
This has never been an issue until now. The folders in question have not been altered. They are not read only, archived, or password protected. My other photo editing programs are not affected. Does anyone know what might have happened? Is anyone else having a similar problem? I'd appreciate your thoughts on this.
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