Studio: Ability to group/lock adjustments
@Rover wrote: So, in a workflow where you do multiple things. Like first applying a standard stack of photo adjustments to get the photo right, and then maybe going further to work with other presets...
View ArticleStudio stand-alone: MUST learn to manage XMP information
@Rover wrote: Had a hard time deciding whether this was to be posted as a bug or as a product enhancement.But since Studio's lack of manipulation of a photo's XMP info can cause some bad side-effects,...
View ArticleGratis Reduce Noise activation while waiting for DeNoise-in-Studio?
@jgr00ms2 wrote: Could we consider giving CU's Studio Reduce-Noise credit for DeNoise plug-in owners? Yes, I know that the two are cousins and not twins. However, I would like to use, in some cases,...
View ArticleTopaz Tutorials Archive
@Rondo249 wrote: A total mess- type in Find by software and box is blank, no place to type or select. Search for a tutorial and results are a lot of garbled text....
View ArticleStudio changing file profile on save! Bad!
@woodmeister50 wrote: I have found an issue with Studio (1.5.3). I only realized it recently but when opening a TIFF file with a given color profile, in this case Pro Photo, it saves the file as...
View ArticleStudio 1.5.3 Wiping Out LR GPS Data On Save
@BImages wrote: Send an image to Studio from LR, edit it, and then SAVE. The GPS data in the TIFF file (which was still there when LR created the file for Studio) is wiped out. Posts: 3 Participants:...
View ArticleSimplify
@glenwclark wrote: I purchased Simplify a number of weeks ago and have been unable to download it or otherwise get it to sync up with Studio. And, to make things worse, the Topaz technical people...
View ArticleLens Effects Plugin
@gnifrus wrote: Does Lens Effects work as a stand alone program or as a plug into Topaz Studios? Or does it have to plugin to Photoshop or Lightroom? Thanks. Posts: 3 Participants: 2 Read full topic
View ArticleSave-As Filename unique identifier - as a preference?
@jgr00ms2 wrote: Currently, Studio adds "-Edit" to the original filename. Could we have this string be a configurable pref? Or, if not, "TPZ" instead of "Edit"? For example, DXO uses "DxO"; SNS-HDR...
View ArticleClipped text characters in Studio
@Schlepp wrote: All my text in T.S. is clipped and this makes it difficult to read. This issue occurs with all text on the right and left side and bottom of the screen. This issue is seen on an iMac...
View ArticleOrder Problems
@old_vette_racer wrote: Anyone else having ordering problems? Every time I try to place an order, the site pops up a message that I have to accept the terms and conditions, except there is no place to...
View ArticleIn Studio the Styles do not load
@Bluemoon5 wrote: In Studio the Styles do not load... Do I need to purchase something? Posts: 2 Participants: 2 Read full topic
View ArticleDoes Details effect mask work when editing a photo as a smart object?
@RobR wrote: I've begun editing my photos as smart objects. When I use Topaz Details, I often use the effects mask to make sure that areas of my photo that should not be sharp do not get sharpened....
View ArticleImage Zoom - The "Fit" algorithm seem to need some work
@Rover wrote: Studio 1.5.327" 4K monitor @3840x2160 resolution.Image displayed is 4128x2322 pixels. Studio leaves a lot of empty (useless) "canvas" space around the displayed image. Trying to fit to...
View ArticleStudio: Ability to "Rename" the auto-named film-strip images on Apply/Duplicate
@Rover wrote: As the default, the current automated naming scheme of "Apply/Duplicate" is OK. But when trying out various things, you can end up with quite a stack of oddly named images in the...
View ArticleStudio: Multi-screen/multi-window support
@Rover wrote: I have three 27" 4K monitors on my system. I can't use more than one with Studio. Both because Studio does not seem to be multi-window, and because it does not allow more than one...
View ArticleStudio: Texture module Grid overlay for easier sizing. (Mirror/Tile/..)
@Rover wrote: Texture module: Would be nice to have the ability to apply (or show by default) a grid (configurable size?) to the image when editing and applying Textures. For example, when setting...
View ArticleLightroom cannot read Studio's TIFF file format
@Rover wrote: Studio 1.5.3.Lightroom CC (Classic) Ver 7.0.1 (latest as of today) cannot recognize TIFF files saved from Topaz Studio on imports. Opening the Studio written files in Photoshop works...
View ArticleSlow-downs across Studio
@Rover wrote: If anyone see mysterious, extreme slowdowns in Studio, where clicks on the menus, buttons, or other functions suddenly seem (up to VERY) slow then refer to ticket #133051. I have seen up...
View ArticleTopaz Studio will not accept new image input while already running
@jgr00ms2 wrote: When browsing images with my viewer/culler I can call multiple configured external programs. When I call my HDR software (SNS-HDR) and it is already active there is no problem. If...
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