@Mond wrote:
I'm using an up-to-date iMac Retina and, as I cannot use Studio in a normal workflow because of the problems it has running on Mac Lightroom, I thought I would be able to use it as a stand-alone and save the image then bring it back into Lightroom in order to manage it; but take a look at the screenshot below:
The image on the right is the image I saved after editing it in Studio, opened in Finder, and is displayed in Preview. It is exactly as I expected with all my edits intact and is rendered perfectly as I saw it in Studio. It is a usable image.
The image on the left is the same image imported into Lightroom, no presets, no editing, but now look at it. The crop which was square is totally different, the highlights are harsh and crudely rendered, the whole image gritty and grainy. It is nothing like the edit in Studio or the saved version in Finder/Preview. It is an unusable image.
Is there something wrong with my system, or is there something wrong with Adobe, or is this something that Topaz can fix?
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