@cre8art wrote:
This post refers to the Notice above about the completed maintenance & updates for Glow2, Impression2, Texture Effects2 and login access to the community for these products.
It states that you must reinstall using the latest installers on the Downloads Page to take full advantage of the fixes put in place and be able to login to the community.
I followed the instructions above and reinstalled the 3 products from the Download Page.
I was able to login to the community for all 3 programs and any of My Saved Presets or Favorite Presets remained intact and carried over for Glow2 and Texture Effects2.
The only program that My Saved Presets were NOT carried over and are missing is with the Impression2 download? I had many Saved Presets that I use often and now they are gone? I have had this same issue when updating Impression2 in the past with missing My Saved presets. Has any other member found this same issue and I would like to hear from one of the Topaz Team members why this keeps happening?
Is there a way to get them back or save them somehow in the future when a new update comes out for any product to avoid this from reoccurring? This is very frustrating to say the least.
I use a Mac (El Capitan) and PS CS6. I posted this last night and could not find my post anywhere today, if a Team member or moderator is deleting my post I would like to at least have an explanation as to why?
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