@stoneyb wrote:
I've tried several photos in tiff and jpeg with Sharpen AI on my iMac Pro, but it doesn't improve any image I've tried. Instead, it adds patterned noise to shadow areas, esp. on low-texture areas like skin.
Cpu looks different than Gpu, in that the patterned noise isn't quite as obvious with Cpu. Neither mode actually sharpens the images, although the patterned noise introduces high frequencies that may fool the eye to perceive more sharpness. Unlike the portraits I tried, A landscape image I tried looked sharper when processed, but it appeared to be just patterned noise overlaid on the ground. It was much less obvious that was what it was when the original image had a rough texture.
The images I'm testing with were all shot with a Nikon D810 or Z7, so are quite large (4912x7360 to 5504x8256), if that matters.
It's hard to tell why this isn't working for me. The examples on the website don't look this way.
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